
dis i like

Love and hate can never be friends
Oh no, oh no
Here I come with love and not hatred
surely goodness and mercy
shall follow I all the days of I life
envy no one no wish to be with no evil man
for there'll come the day
when you'll be whipped by the father's hand
Live up roots children
Live up rasta children
My head is annointed and my cup runneth over
surely goodness and mercy
shall follow I all the days of I life


ruedas de poder

Solitario que recorres el camino hacia ti mismo, repara en que ese camino pasa por ti y tus siete demonios...
Solitario que recorres el camino de todo hombre creador, te quieres construir un dios con tus siete demonios.
(Nietzsche, "Así Habló Zaratustra").